Our School Zone
Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
For more information, you can:
- visit School zones for answers to frequently asked questions
- call the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on 1800 896 950
- email the VSBA at vsba@education.vic.gov.au
2025 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments
We are still taking enrolments for Prep 2025. To enrol, please call the school on 5450 3900 or email kerang.south.ps@education.vic.gov.au
2026 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments
The Department of Education and Training (DET) has released a new statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline.
The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Kerang South PS.
The new timeline will apply for children starting Foundation (Prep) in 2026. All government primary schools will follow the new timeline in 2025 to support Foundation (Prep) enrolments for the 2026 school year.
You can find information and resources about the new timeline, including factsheets, at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep). You can also download the ‘Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents/Carers for the 2025 school year’ from the Starting School webpage (available from 22 April 2025).
You will be able to apply to enrol your child in Foundation (Prep) 2024 at Kerang South PS from 22 April 2025.
What you need to do:
- Contact our school office on 54503900 to book a school tour or to learn more about our school and the enrolment application process
- Download the Foundation (Prep) enrolment information pack from Enrolling in Foundation (Prep) (available from 22 April 2025)
- Submit an enrolment application for Foundation (Prep) by Friday 25 July 2025
- You will be notified of the outcome of your application by Monday 28 2025. If you receive an offer of placement, you should contact our school to accept the offer by Friday 8 August 2025
- Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4, 2025
- Your child will start Foundation (Prep) from Wednesday 28 January 2026.
Enrolment applications submitted after 25 July 2025 will be processed by our school as they are received, in accordance with the department’s Placement Policy.
Transition Information
Kinder to Prep Transition
Kerang South Primary School provides a comprehensive transition program for future Prep students and their parents through familiarisation with, and understanding of, their future primary school environment.
A parent information session is held at the school in Term 2 to discuss readiness for school.
In Term 2 we run a ‘Come & Try Day’ a 1 hour session for all kinder students and families to meet our staff.
A school open day is generally held in conjunction with Education Week. Invitations are distributed to the pre-school.
An open invitation to all Kinder parents is extended for this session, even those considering other schools at this time.
Pre-schoolers and their parents are encouraged to visit the school in Term 3 for an informative and individual school tour. First Foot Forward sessions are run in Term 3 for all pre-school aged children which are a fun 1 ½ hour session for children to come and meet the teachers, do some fun activities and try out ‘Big School’. We do request that all enrolment forms are returned by the end of Term 3. Confirmation of enrolment letters are sent to families at the beginning of term 4.
An informative parent session is held late in Term 4 at KSPS to outline school expectations and general school procedures as well as answer any questions parents may have.
Pre-schoolers are invited to attend school each Friday morning during Term 4 for the Perceptual Motor Program – an invaluable program focussing on fine and gross motor, coordination and spatial awareness skills. They participate in this fun filled program along with current Prep students. Parents are encouraged to stay on and take on a helper role in activities.
Three other orientation sessions are held in late November/early December to familiarise the pre-schoolers with the school, teachers and routines. These include two morning sessions and an afternoon session. Pre-schoolers are allocated a buddy in Grade 5-6 during the transition process.
Early in the new year, a parent information session is held to familiarise parents with classroom programs and ideas and strategies to assist their child at home.
Preparation for Preps
Basic Skills
Although not essential by any means, it will helpful for your child to know some of the following things:
- His or her full name and address.
- How to secure the fasteners on shoes and sandals.
- How to attend to toilet needs and adjust clothing.
- The importance of washing the hands after visiting the toilet. How to put things away after using them.
- How to use a handkerchief properly.
- The importance of covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing.
School-Commencement Activities
Have several “school lunches” with your child at home.
If the school is within walking distance from home, follow the route to be taken there and back with your child. Acquaint your child with road safety procedures, including the correct use of school crossings and the danger of cars reversing from driveways.
Warn your child not to accept rides from strangers, and to go home immediately after school is dismissed, preferably in the company of an older student or an adult until a routine is established.
It is wise for your child to have had a medical check prior to the commencement of school, particularly for sight and hearing and in order to meet immunisation requirements.
The Department of Education provides additional information in its booklet entitled “Welcome to School – A Parent’s Guide to Victorian Government Schools”, a copy of which is available from the Internet at http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/publications/newsinfo/welcomeschool.htm
Enrolment Requirements
Enrolment forms must be completed in full – general, emergency contact, head lice check, privacy declaration – others as applicable.
The child must be 5 years of age by 30th April.
Presentation of a birth certificate as proof of age.
Presentation of a School Entry Immunisation Certificate –
https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/enablers/ immunisation-history-statement
The new amendments to the No Jab, No Play legislation have tightened requirements for enrolment in early childhood services and impact acceptable documentation for school entry immunisation requirements:
As of 28 February 2018, an Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register will be the only form of documentation accepted as proof of a child’s immunisation status.
Documents produced by GPs or other immunisation providers e.g. blue books will no longer be sufficient as a form of evidence.
By law, primary schools are required to request and record information on the immunisation status of students prior to enrolment. Parents or guardians must provide an immunisation status certificate to the school regardless of whether the child is or is not immunised.
For a variety of reasons – regulations, bus travel and to meet the needs of working parents – Preps beginning at Kerang South attend the school for the whole day, except for Wednesdays throughout February.
To ensure a smooth start, each parent is requested to bring their child to the Prep room, say goodbye and then depart, even if the child appears to be upset. Before leaving, ensure that the child understands the arrangements for getting home.
Children are encouraged to bring their lunch from home. This is particularly important for Prep children as they can eat lunch together and avoid the stress of something from the canteen not meeting with their expectation.
Prep children often become very tired at the beginning of the school year. Activities are planned which are appropriate for their development and the weather conditions. In the initial weeks this may include an afternoon rest period.
Grade Six to Year Seven Transition
At Kerang South Primary School, the Grade 6 to Year 7 program supports exiting students by providing opportunities for them to become familiar and comfortable with their future secondary environment.
The Grade 6 program at KSPS has a strong focus on preparing the students for the transition to Year 7. Emphasis is placed on the need to be organised and how to do this. Examples of this include using time tables, a daily agenda, diary, homework routines and rotations.
The transition process for Grade 6 students begins in Term 2 for the students who plan to attend KTHS. In Term 2, the Year 7 Co-ordinator at KTHS and the KSPS Transition Co-ordinator arrange the first visit to KTHS. Students attend KTHS for an afternoon.
In Term 2, KTHS staff members speak to the Grade 6 students at KSPS about the expectations for the start of Year 7 and the transition afternoon. Past students in Year 7 also return to the school to talk about their transition to secondary school.
Late Term 3, all students attend a second transition day at KTHS as potential Year 7 students.
In December, the Grade 6 students attend KTHS for an Orientation Day.
McKillop College contacts KSPS in Term 2. All families who are considering attending McKillop College are given an information pack. These students attend 2 transition days and an orientation day throughout the year.
End of Grade 6
- A transition form is forwarded to KTHS which includes information such as subjects that require attention or extension, and recommendations for suitable class placement. This is filled out by the Grade 6 teacher with input from each student.
- Recommendations to place students with each other are also based upon students’ requests, academic strengths and common interests. Students are usually placed with at least one friend they have chosen.
- KSPS aims to achieve a balance of transition activities which ensures that the process provides students with enough information and experiences without being detrimental or too disruptive to the Grade 6 program.
Information Booklet
Enrolment Form
Enrolment Pack attached, or please contact the school for a hard copy.
School Tours
Families can contact the school to request a time for a personalised school tour with the Principal (Depending on Covid conditions).
Computers, iPads & Digital Technologies
Computers and iPads are used extensively across the school to complement and enhance, not replace, explicit teaching by staff. The school has over 150 computers, laptops, netbooks and iPads accessible to its students, 26 of which are located in the one room and the remainder distributed across the classrooms. In addition to this, each Grade 3-6 student has their own iPad for school and home use. All the computers are networked and connected to laser printers and selected Internet resources. Students use the computers for a variety of purposes such as word processing, multimedia presentations, problem solving, data gathering, keyboarding skills, spread sheet analysis and desktop publishing. Teachers use computers for teaching and administrative purposes. Each child has his or her own Mathletics, Essential Assessment and Reading Eggs accounts (Raz Kids, Literacy Planet, Seesaw) and the ability to access a moderated suite of Internet resources. The use of both of these facilities is stringently controlled.
The school plans to replace its computers every three years. Students must sign a responsible user agreement at the start of the year. All classrooms have interactive whiteboards.
As a Primary Maths Science Specialist school (2016-17), Kerang South has a strong emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) from Prep-6 and has embraced the new Victorian Curriculum subject, Digital Technologies, which also includes coding.